I am fully crediting the authors of the following quotations; they are not my original words - I'm just quoting as it was easier to do this and to me, more legitimate than putting down my own views.
And I do have to fully credit my children for taking a stand and not just "going along with the crowd". We can teach, guide, inform and direct our children in their morals/beliefs/values, but there comes a time as a parent when you wonder if anything you say "sticks". We always hope and pray for the best, and for our children to "hold fast to the traditions" they have been taught. Sometimes, as adults this is hard to do. We discuss and explain many "controversial" subjects in our home, but always give an explanation of WHY we believe what we do. I wish I had the courage of Stephanie and Mary, who ON THEIR OWN have often taken a stand against things that go against their faith. God Bless them!
Now for the articles:
“According to a Hindu professor, yoga can no more be separated from its Hindu roots as Christianity can be separated from Jesus. Yoga was invented specifically for Hindu worship and each posture in yoga was designed to worship a Hindu god* (e.g., the serpent posture was designed to worship the serpent god). (Interestingly, St. Justin, Martyr, in his First Apology, states that the pagan gods are actually demons and these demons gave themselves names which are the names the pagans use for their gods. A free PDF copy of St. Justin Martyrs' writings can be found on the His Mercy Web site at www.hismercy.ca under eBooks.)
Below are some other quotes with their sources, although there are many, many more that could be added:
"The postures alone are designed to create altered levels of consciousness, plus they can trigger reactions just as the breathing and mind work do. It is
a direct door to the occult. Some people who get involved in New Age or occult practices need deliverance from evil spirits, according to Fr. Amorth, the Vatican exorcist." (Anne Feaster, 'Should Christians Do Yoga?, p. 3, http://www.swordoflightandtruth.org/)**
Moira Noonan, a former yoga teacher, says yoga cannot be Christianised. (Ibid, p. 3)
...“yoga” means “union with god or yoke with god”. The god they refer to is an impersonal energy force that they call Braham. They believe that through the practice of yoga, they can free themselves from the bondage of karma. The purpose of yoga is not exercise, but to reach altered states of consciousness... (Sword of Light and Truth, Spring 2005 newsletter, p. 3)
Yoga is the “physical manipulation of one’s body to create an altered state of consciousness which occurs as a result of the effect of the exercise on the central nervous system.”(The New Age Counterfeit by Johnnette Benkovic, p.ll)
Also, the Vatican has identified yoga as a New Age practice and therefore incompatible - in any form - with Christianity. (See Jesus Christ Bearer of the Water of Life which can be accessed on the Vatican site, www.vatican.va.)
We can be assured that there was an investigation on all aspects of yoga before the Church spoke out against it, and that experts were consulted. We also need to be mindful that we are to be obedient to Jesus through His Church. (Something that the devil and his followers will not do!)
There are many legitimate forms of exercise that are not harmful to our soul that we can use.
Note: It is important to distinguish between a belief or practice and the person who holds that belief or practice. As Christians, we are called to always love the person, but we must stay away from any belief or practice that is not from the one and only true God.
*Sharon Lee Giganti, in one of her monthly talks on Catholic Answers Live.
Ms Giganti's site: www.newagedeception.com
Catholic Answers site: www.catholic.com
** Also see Ms Feaster's 'The Truth About Yoga,' which has extra information.
Is Yoga contrary to our faith?
While the physical aspects of Yoga can be beneficial, the spiritual aspects may be harmful as they flow into "New Age" religiosity. The Church’s reflection on the New Age, Jesus Christ: The Bearer of the Water of Life
Yoga, zen, transcendental meditation and tantric exercises lead to an experience of self-fulfilment or enlightenment. Peak-experiences (reliving one's birth, travelling to the gates of death, biofeedback, dance and even drugs – anything which can provoke an altered state of consciousness) are believed to lead to unity and enlightenment. Since there is only one Mind, some people can be channels for higher beings. Every part of this single universal being has contact with every other part. The classic approach in New Age is transpersonal psychology, whose main concepts are the Universal Mind, the Higher Self, the collective and personal unconscious and the individual ego. The Higher Self is our real identity, a bridge between God as divine Mind and humanity. Spiritual development is contact with the Higher Self, which overcomes all forms of dualism between subject and object, life and death, psyche and soma, the self and the fragmentary aspects of the self. Our limited personality is like a shadow or a dream created by the real self. The Higher Self contains the memories of earlier (re-)incarnations.
Aspects such as these are certainly contrary to our faith!