Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The "Pink Book" release....what a joke!

Judy Sgro is a demagogue...
The Liberal party, with the release of its’ “Pink Book”, once again shows how out of touch with real women they actually are. And what a surprise! None other than the shining example of a well-adjusted, stable woman, Belinda Stronach, heads the group. The Liberal policies to help further women’s economic status are nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to further their elitist and completely undemocratic militant feminist agenda.
Judy Sgro, chairman of the Commons committee of the status of women; (the same Judy Sgro of the Stripper affair, the pizza restaurant affair, and general heckler of Conservatives) claims that the “Conservative government, based on their policies, would clearly prefer women stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and move us backwards 40 years.” Ms. Sgro and Ms. Stronach would have the public believe that all Conservative women are subservient and oppressed. They are hoping use this perception to manipulate the public to advance their political agenda, for their own personal advancement and power. This is demagoguery at its’ finest!
In my experience, the vast majority of Conservative women are intelligent, dignified, caring and committed to their values. Let the Liberal party take note: Canadians are sick and tired of the Liberal propaganda regarding women. If the best spokespeople you can come up with are Belinda and Judy, your party is in more trouble than you think!

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