Monday, January 22, 2007

I was doing my daily check on Suzanne's Big Blue Wave, and for some reason decided to click on Bread n Roses to see what was up there.... The following is so ludicrous, I can't believe this woman would actually admit to thinking like this!

Posted by fern hill on 22nd January 2007
"Men and women are different. Here is what one embattled abortion provider in the US said:
“The only way women come close to achieving equality is if they can control their fertility,”

said the 65-year-old Carhart. “Abortion rights for men have been available since the
beginning of time. When they’re unhappy with a pregnancy, they walk away; it doesn’t
matter whether it’s the day after conception or when the child is 10 years old.”

If women are to achieve and maintain equality, there must be a full range of choices in how
we control our fertility.
That’s how simple it is to me. Equality"

So, from what I gather,
she is saying that women should have the right to kill their children NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE, because she believes in equality?!?!

Just because a man may think it's "okay" to leave a pregnant woman when he doesn't want to accept his responsibility doesn't mean this is something women should aspire to being able to do, too. This arguement also points to the fact that pro-aborts DO in fact, see abortion as just another means of birth control.

If the issue is about equality, which the author seems to be suggesting; what about the rights to equality of the child? A child 10 years of age is different only in size and living space from a child in the womb. What if it is a girl child? What about her rights to equality?

Abortion, besides taking the right to life away from another human being, is a tool of oppression. Men push for a woman to abort so they don't have to take responsibility for their actions; they view women only as sexual objects and playthings. Abortion is forced on incest victims by men who want to hide their crimes. If women are truly concerned about equality in the area of "reproductive rights", they might want to focus more energy on support services that empower women to continue with a pregnancy. People need to learn that if they are going to have sex, they should be willing to accept the responsibility of that outcome, whether it is love and emotional attachment or a baby.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

So, from what I gather, she is saying that women should have the right to kill their children NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE, because she believes in equality?!?!

That's exactly what it boils down to. If the woman wants an abortion at 37 weeks because she got up on the wrong side of the bed, these feminists will support her. It's all about "autonomy".

What it boils down to is that they seek feminist supremacy, not unlike the white supremacy of old in the Old South. Just as the US Supreme Court ruled in the 19th century ruled black men had no rights a white man was bound to respect, the Canadian Supreme Court has said, in effect, the same thing about unborn children.

To me, the parallels between White Supremacist discrimination against Black people and feminist discrimination against the unborn are incredible.