Thursday, January 18, 2007

"The Little Black Book" has been the centre of controversy around Manitoba for some time now. It is an "address style" book to be distributed to teens, with information regarding a wide variety of topics including a substantial portion on sex.

Recently in our local community newspaper (the Herald), one of the columnists (who shall remain nameless), wrote an article extoling the "virtues" of this Book, expressing her opinion that every single student in Manitoba should receive a copy. In true leftist, socialist fashion, she also slagged any parent for opposing the handing out of this so-called information. She was extraordinarily rude in her “request” for parents who have concerns about the “Little Black Book” to “give their heads a shake” showing not only her immaturity level, but a complete lack of understanding of what it means to be a parent.

The author advises parents with concerns that "it's not 1950 anymore! Sex is everywhere!" Yes, it’s not 1950 anymore, and sex may very well “be everywhere”. Responsible parents monitor how much of this and in what capacity it reaches their children. My children have never, ever been exposed to Sex in the City, or Desperate Housewives, or whatever the current drivel on T.V. is. My husband and I ensure they are not watching any T.V. without our consent as to what they are viewing. If something is objectionable; we shut it off, and explain why. As a family we enjoy popular music, current movies and read the newspaper daily. I know many other responsible parents who are also raising their children to be discerning as to what is appropriate. This is not hard to do; it just takes serious commitment, time and a desire to raise good children.

The author of this column believes the Black Book is a “book of facts”. I have seen several examples of the so-called “facts” being purported in this book; they are nothing short of pornography. Where are the facts that show that the only 100% surefire way to prevent STI’s is abstinence? Where is the accurate, truthful information detailing the dangers of casual sexual encounters; of drugs or alcohol? What about the fact that condom failure has been rated as high as 30%? Where is the information on how to build self-esteem, and the importance of self-respect? Children need to learn the beauty of sex within the boundaries of a loving, committed marriage, the way it is meant to be experienced.

The loose, liberal values types have had their chance to “educate” our youth regarding sex – for over 30 years, in fact. What do we have to show for it? Epidemics of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (just because people are trying to change the name to “infections” doesn’t lessen the fact that these are still diseases.) Out of control promiscuity; soaring rates of teen depression and anxiety; higher incidences of suicide of our youth who constantly feel devalued, used and generally “not good enough”.

It is high time for change. Serious education regarding a basic respect of life, the overwhelming benefits and advantages of abstinence and chastity, (100% success rate for protection against unplanned pregnancies, unwanted STDs guaranteed!!) as well as teaching our youth about self-control and accepting responsibility for themselves will give them much better tools to deal with life than any “little black book” could ever hope to aspire to.

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