Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Recently, a 13 year old girl in Italy was forced to have an abortion AGAINST her wishes, by her parents. She had stated emphatically that she wanted to continue the pregnancy, but her parents refused and the state forced her to undergo the abortion. Now, she is in psychiatric care because she is under a suicide watch. She was so distraught at being forced to kill her unborn child, she has threatened to end her own life. And this was in her best interest???
(See the link to lifesite for the full story)

I often wonder about some of the arguements presented by pro-aborts. One of their favorites, of course, is "it's a private matter; a woman's right to choose." If this is so true, then why aren't the pro-aborts rallying to this girl's defense? Who are they to say "she's too young to be a mother" (that is often their arguement). If she was old enought to have sex, and could conceive, then yes, by all technicalities, she IS perfectly capable of becoming a mother. She may not be the ideal age, but I happen to know a couple of people in their 30's whose parenting abilities are questionable, to say the least!!
That aside, exactly HOW do they conisder themselves "pro-choice"? It'll be interesting to see how the pro-aborts worm their way out of this one. Oh yeah.... they'll just conveniently ignore it!!


Christina Dunigan said...

I have a project I could use some help in -- transferring the Cemetery of Choice cases to a Wiki page, for easier cross-references.

If you can help, let me know and I'll tell you how. It's just cut and paste with a little simple editing. You don't need to know HTML at all.

Christina Dunigan said...

When they notice it at all they make snotty comments about, "Well, it's YOU GUYS who want parents involved in abortion decisions!" Which makes as much sense as seeing parents prostituting their kids and saying, "Well, you guys were the ones who supported age of consent laws!"

Leticia said...

As usual, it's impossible to add anything to what grannygrump's wisdom!

Ter said...

How horrible. That girl will be scarred for life. :(