Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Abortion-breast cancer link: important information....

This weekend I was very fortunate to attend a pro-life conference hosted by Campaign Life Coalition. The speakers were informative and engaging, particularly Dr. Clem Persaud, who spoke on the abortion-breast cancer link.
Dr. Persaud's research shows that every week, 429 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada, and of these 429, 102 women will die. 1 out of 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. If these numbers are correct, we should be doing everything in our power to lower all possible risks, particularly if the risks are within our control.
It is easy to understand the link between abortion and breast cancer, if one just takes a moment to logically think about it. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her body starts to change; estrogen levels rise dramatically. The cells in her breasts begin to multiply, due to the increase of estrogen. With a regular, uninterrupted pregnancy, the cycle of cell growth is naturally completed with the birth of the baby and the production of milk. When a pregnancy is UNNATURALLY ended through abortion, the cells that began to grow in anticipation of milk production multiply out of control - they go "haywire", hence, they have a much higher chance of becoming cancerous. There is, in fact, an increased risk of up to 30% for breast cancer after abortion.
The reason that miscarriages do not increase risk of breast cancer is because if a pregnancy is NATURALLY ended, the estrogen level is generally not high enough to either sustain the pregnancy or cause the same cellular changes to the breast.
Maybe this is over-simplified, but I find that when I explain it like this, most people understand, and can see how abortion does in fact increase a woman's risk of breast cancer.
A couple of great sources to check out: www.abortionbreastcancer.com, and www.abortionfacts.com for more information. Perhaps once more people see the link between abortion and breast cancer, organizations like the Canadian Cancer Society will be willing to publicize this as a very real risk.

1 comment:

mum2twelve said...

I recently met a woman who is 72 and the second of 12 children. She herself only gave birth to one child. I do not know more details than that BUT she has three or four sisters with breast cancer. One did not survive. I wanted to ask "Do you know if they used birth control?" I would bet my bottom dollar they had. They were most likely in their childbearing years during the years when the pill was becoming popular and being prescribed at its hightest dose...

God's plan is so wise - is it not? Mess with nature and you pay the price!

I do not mean that above statement as a judgement of women who develope cancer after using the pill but rather as a sad statement on how when we toy with nature - it can really hurt us. (And while it is also true that many women develope breat cancer without having used the pill, this research that is showing a connection should not be ignored!)