Monday, October 23, 2006

Regarding Peter McKay....

The uproar surrounding Peter McKay's alleged comment about ex-girlfriend Belinda Stronach would almost be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. Today in the Winnipeg Sun, someone wrote in with the dire prediction that Mr. McKay's remark will "cost the Tories the Women's vote".
Exactly how this guy came up with this conclusion, I'm sure we'll never know! The vast majority of intelligent women see the Conservatives as the answer to Canada's problems of fiscal mismanagement and social disarray. This is just another example of Liberal desperation and floundering. They have absolutely no leg to stand on regarding ANY relevant issues, therefore they must make noise wherever and whenever they can.
At least the Conservatives cannot be accused of "dithering", like a certain EX-prime minister was a master of. They are not afraid to "call it like it is", and are taking a no-nonsense approach to governing our country.
As for Belinda being referred to as a dog, "If it walks like a duck, and acts like a duck...."

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