Monday, October 02, 2006

Life Chain - great chance to witness!

Yesterday (Sunday, October 1st) was the Life Chain, held across Canada and the U.S. Here in Winnipeg, Campaign Life Coalition held the chain outside the Women's Pavilion Hospital, where some 3400 abortions are done each year. We had approximately 85 people in attendance; I thought a lot more could have come out, considering how beautiful a day it was...

People driving by were overwhelmingly supportive; many waved and honked in support. Only 4 dissenters - one was a young female, perhaps in her very early 20's, screamed "**** you!" at us as the car she was in raced by. How sad. So many "pro-choice" people preach tolerance, yet do not tolerate opposing views, and do everything to silence what they don't agree with.
Hundreds of thousands of women have been exploited by abortion, and millions of babies slaughtered, but we're not allowed to say anything, because "it's none of our business"!

It is great to see the positive changes coming about in the U.S.regarding the abortion laws; pray that our politicians will wake up and listen to the growing majority of people in Canada who respect Life and are working to put an end to the senselessness of abortion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wife for Life. I'll add this to the blogburst. I'll update when I can.